
Showing posts from 2014
***Correction from Newsletter*** The Newsletter that went home had the District Art Fair on December 18th.  It is actually on the 8th from 6:30-7:30.  This will be at 3 Mile Creek Elementary.
Here is our newsletter for the month of December! Newsletter December December is such a fun month.  The snow is new, so we still like it, people are looking for the best all around them.  You can really feel the excitement in the air some days.  The weather has been really nice for us this year and we have been able to have a lot of outside days, please make sure that all students have coats everyday now that things have gotten much colder.    As a school, teachers and I have been looking at what really makes a difference in student learning.  We have also been focusing on our school mission statement and identifying what it means for everybody to Learn, Lead and Love.  Our final fundraiser for the year will be kicking off on Friday the 5th of December.  We will be selling “World’s finest” candy bars, they said they would throw in extra caramel for me.  Candy bars will go out for sale on Monday and there will be class wide inc...
Click the link below to learn about a free online preschool opportunity. Upstart
School Land Trust End of year report 2013-2014 and Mid Year Report: Click here for the monthly newsletter  I wanted to take a moment to inform all of you about our school community council.  This is a group of parents and teachers that meet together with the principal to give input on school goals and decide how some money is spent each year.  This money is called School land trust money and is given to us by the state.  Last year we were allocated $30,302 by the state.  We spent $22,608 on tutors to help our students, $100 on professional services, $411 on a computer based writing program for our 3rd and 4th graders, and $4,520 on voice amplification systems for our classrooms.  This money was well spent and we have seen a lot of improvement in our student learning.  This year we are looking at 3 school wide goals, and are using our money to achieve those.  Goal #1 - Grades K-5 : 95% receive rubric score of 3 on end of year literacy place...
Here is an important letter about SAGE test results from the state of Utah. Student reports will be sent home on November 5th, 2014.
Parents of Discovery Students,                                                                                                         Oct. 1, 2014 We want to try something different this school year.  We will allow students to wear costumes to school on Halloween day (October 31 st ).  However, it is critical that all rules be followed by all students in order to minimize the disruption to the school environment.  If parents and students will follow the guid...
October Newsletter: As I look at our calendar for October it appears that every week has a different safety theme. As we get into Halloween we want to make sure that students are safe whether they are at school or not. To help us communicate with you please sign up for the remind101 messages by texting @b15ba to 435-363-3195. As usual Reading is a big focus this year. What research has found in looking at reading is that students who read 40 minutes independently score in the 90th percentile nationally on reading assessments. Reading is the most critical skill we can give students. Parents often ask what they can do to help their children that struggle, the answer I give is always something to the effect of listen to them read aloud to someone. I encourage them to ask them questions, have them predict, analyze and anticipate. These skills are so important. A little time reading to a fluid reader makes a ...
We are now live!  Sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences with these easy steps! Below are listed instructions on how to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences on October 1-2.  This link will be active starting on Friday for Parents to sign up for their conferences.  You need your student's birthday or student ID number to register, the birthday is probably the easiest.  Directions to schedule Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent Window September 19-26 If you have any troubles with registering for conferences please call the school, or stop by. Visit the school’s homepage and select the Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler icon/link on the right, or go to the link . From the Online Scheduler Home Page Choose your student’s school from the drop down list and click “GO” Enter the school password dolphins Enter your student’s “Student ID”.  If ...
Sir Readalot's Castle Bookfair Our book fair is scheduled for September 29 – October 3, 2014.  We have an on-line fair which runs from Sept. 24-October 14, 2014.   The web site for the on-line fair is as follows: Your URL: Here is the schedule for the book fair.   Monday  2:50 to 3:30 Tuesday  2:50 to 3:30 Wednesday  2:00 until 7:00 p.m. Thursday  2:50 to 7:00 p.m. Friday 2:50 to 3:30
September Newsletter For the full Newsletter please click here (trust me it looks much prettier): September Newsletter I have had a blast getting to know the students this first week of school. There are so many great things going on in our school and it all starts with them. When students ask what a principal does I tell them that I have two jobs. 1. To make sure that all the students are safe and 2. to make sure that everyone is learning. In order to do those things I have to be among the students. Right now we are working a lot with students to make sure that they know what proactive behavior looks like. We are working to help them know the expectations (beginning with the end in mind) and live up to them. I am slowly learning names of students, I know it will take a while, but I am glad to get to know the students here at Discovery Elementary and to help them to live up to their potential because I have seen that it is great. Important Dates: Every Wednesday is early out day...
8/7/14 Discovery Community, Summer is almost over, which means that there will be a lot of change.  I know that a lot of you are wondering about me as the new Principal of Discovery.  I hope to join the PTA facebook group soon and allow you to see some pictures of me and my family, but for now I can just give you some basic information on the website.  I am from Northern California, but have lived in Utah for most of the last 19 years.  I have been married for almost 13 years and have 4 children.  They range in ages from 4-11.  I have been a principal for the last 3 years, an assistant principal for two years before that, and taught for seven years. For the last five years I have lived in Vernal, Utah.  My wife and I decided to move closer to family and are now living in Logan.  My wife has two sisters in Box Elder County.  I speak Spanish and Papiamento in addition to English.  Although I taught high school I absolutely love worki...

May 2014

Discovery Newsletter May, 2014        I can’t believe it is May and the school year is winding down.  We have loved having grandparents and other special guests attend our school for lunch!  It has been fun to see all of you! Our Kindergarten grandparent lunch will be on May 22, 2014 at 10:45.      Clay Chournos has accepted the position as the principal of Discovery Elementary starting July 1, 2014. Clay earned a BS in Biological Science in 2000 from Utah State University. He earned a M>ED, and his administrative endorsement from Southern Utah University in 2009. Clay began his teaching career at Harris Intermediate School in 2000 switching to Bear River High School in 2001.  Clay served as an assistant principal at both Harris Intermediate and Bear River Middle School for three years. Clay is currently serving as the assistant principal at Harris Intermediate School.  He is excited to come to Discov...

April Newsletter 2014

     We had a busy and productive March.   We started the SAGE (Student Assessment of Growth and Excellence) testing, which is the new end of year testing, this month with grades 3-5.   This first section of testing was on writing.   The students were given two writing prompts, one opinion and one informational. We will continue the testing for math, language arts and science beginning on April 28- May 20 th .   Please make every effort to see that your child is to school during this testing window. Here are a few tips to help you prepare your child to do their best. 1.        Explain that the tests will show how much he has learned. Encourage him to try his best, but don’t put so much emphasis on them that he feels stressed. 2.     Limit activities the night before tests. Be sure your child gets to bed on time and sets an alarm for the next morning. 3.     On test day, have your ...

March Newsletter 2014

Discovery Newsletter March 5, 2014 I can’t believe it is March already!   The school year seems to be flying by!   The students are really growing academically and it is wonderful to see their progress.             We have coats, sweatshirts, lunchboxes, hats and gloves in our lost and found, so please stop by and see if any of these articles belong to your family. The items in the lost and found will be given to good will on March 31!             Our Beat the Teach contest just finished, thanks to students and teachers who participated in the challenge!   Keep reading!             Our Ken Garff Road to Success assembly is coming up on March 11.   We have lots of students who are working hard to meet their reading goal of al least four nights every week!   Keep up the great work...
Discovery Newsletter   February 2014 Happy February to all of you!   We had a busy January and are looking forward to great things in February!   We are would like to thank all of our volunteers who come and help each day at Discovery!   We appreciate your time that you so willingly give to help out! Your time is greatly appreciated! With the snowy wet weather, please make sure your child is dressed to go outside.   The students get the opportunity to go outside three times each day, so it is important that they have a coat and warm shoes!   Leader In Me               We are continuing to learn and incorporate the 7 Habits of Happy Kids into our lives.   Feb. 3, 2014 some of our students went and visited with members of the Senate about being a “Leadership School.”   The students talked with different Senators about their favorite habit, what it means to be a “Le...

January Discovery Newsletter 2014

Happy New Year! Welcome back from Christmas break, I hope you all had a great holiday. I am happy to be back at Discovery!   I missed everyone, and appreciate all the help and support that was given to Mrs. Williams.   Thanks to everyone who supported our service project. We were able to help several families and also donate to the Box Elder Family Support Center.   We appreciate your continued support at Discovery!     2014-2015 School District Calendar The school district would like your feedback for next year's calendar. There are several options including a two week Christmas Break and a possible one week Spring Break. Please use the link below to express your preference. The Leader in Me: We are all working on learning the 7 Habits and incorporating them into our lives.   Each week we focus on a different habit, so that we can better understand each habit and how to implement the habi...