Discovery Newsletter
February 2014

Happy February to all of you!  We had a busy January and are looking forward to great things in February!

  We are would like to thank all of our volunteers who come and help each day at Discovery!  We appreciate your time that you so willingly give to help out! Your time is greatly appreciated!

With the snowy wet weather, please make sure your child is dressed to go outside.  The students get the opportunity to go outside three times each day, so it is important that they have a coat and warm shoes! 

Leader In Me 

            We are continuing to learn and incorporate the 7 Habits of Happy Kids into our lives.  Feb. 3, 2014 some of our students went and visited with members of the Senate about being a “Leadership School.”  The students talked with different Senators about their favorite habit, what it means to be a “Leadership School” and some of the students shared their data notebooks. 

Ken Garff- Road to Success

            We held our Ken Garff Road to Success assembly last month and want to congratulate Keaton Lamb! He is the winner of a new bike, scooter or an MP3 player!  We also had several other students that won prizes during the assembly.  The classes that had the most days read over the past eight weeks got to see their teacher in a pie eating contest!  Congratulations to the students in Mrs. Erickson, Mrs. Hansen and Mr. Wilding, these classes had the most days read and we all enjoyed seeing these teachers eat their pie!    Everyone who had read for four to seven nights the past eight weeks were recognized and then got to STOMP the halls!  Keep up the reading.  It makes a difference! We are starting our Beat the Teach contest this week!  Please take time during SEP conferences to have your child sign up with ONE teacher they want to beat.   The contest starts on Feb. 10 so everyone needs to READ, READ, READ! 

Awards Assembly

During the month of January we held our 2nd and 3rd grade awards assembly.  Congratulations to all of our students who were recognized, keep up the great work!  We learned some fun things about Mrs. Korth and Mrs. Reeder during the assembly!  We appreciate these teachers and their dedication!

Pick Up

            We are having some problems with our pick up each day. Please follow the established procedure for student pick up.

·         Please do not have your students walk between the parked cars to get picked up. This is putting students in a dangerous situation. 

·         Please pull to the front of the horse shoe and pick up your child. 

·         Please do not pick up students in the RED zone.

·         Please be aware of ALL students during this busy time.

·         Please do your part to help all students be safe.

We need everyone to follow the rules! Thank you for your help with the safety of our students.


            We have updated our Emergency Evacuation Plan.  At SEP conferences you will receive a copy of the plan and a brochure outlining important information you will need to know regarding our procedures at Discovery in the event of an emergency. Please contact the office if you have any questions. 

Kindergarten Round Up

            Kindergarten Round Up is coming up on March 14, if you have a student that will be in kindergarten next year, please call the office and let Sandy know.  We will be having Meet and Greet evening on March 11 from 6:00-7:00 at Discovery.

Congratulations to our “Leaders” of the Month:

Ashlyn Starr, Tanner Cottle, Kaitlyn Andersen, Ethan Jensen, Allie Glenn, Mikeal Jensen, Italy Childs, Ethan McArthur, Jolette Marquez, Luke Muhlestein, Corbin Stark, Alexis Crill, Breleigh Davis, Cameron Mackley, Nevaeh Christensen, Nate Walker, Brijin Reeder, Brendyn Christensen, Mylie Andrews, Kellan Christensen, Zuleyma Gonzalez, Braylon Majors, Amarie Glover, Bella Quintana, Chris Sandoval, Maddie Richardson, Kaylee Harrop, Austin Lemke, Hannah Chlarson, Rex Muhlestein, Ben Colling, Chloe Bodily, Tim Nielson, Brooklyn Smith, Jed Nelson, Kelsey Spencer, Marilu Vega

Dates to Remember:

Feb. 5             School Art Fair

SEP Conferences

Early Out

Feb. 6             School Art Fair

SEP Conferences

Feb. 7             Dolphin Pride Day

Feb. 10           District Art Fair at 3 Mile from 6:00-8:00

Feb. 12           Early Out

Feb. 14           Dolphin Pride Day

Feb. 17           No School

Feb. 18           ACYI registration for 5th grade

Feb. 19           Early Out

Feb. 21           Dolphin Pride Day

                        2nd Grade Grandparent Lunch at 11:00

Feb. 24           Community Council


Feb. 26           Early Out

                        4/5 Awards Assembly at 1:00


Feb. 27           Dolphin Activity


Feb. 28           NO SCHOOL

                        End of Trimester


March 3         NO SCHOOL


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