January Discovery Newsletter 2014

Happy New Year! Welcome back from Christmas break, I hope you all had a great holiday.

I am happy to be back at Discovery!  I missed everyone, and appreciate all the help and support that was given to Mrs. Williams. 

Thanks to everyone who supported our service project. We were able to help several families and also donate to the Box Elder Family Support Center.  We appreciate your continued support at Discovery!   

2014-2015 School District Calendar

The school district would like your feedback for next year's calendar. There are several options including a two week Christmas Break and a possible one week Spring Break. Please use the link below to express your preference.

The Leader in Me:

We are all working on learning the 7 Habits and incorporating them into our lives.  Each week we focus on a different habit, so that we can better understand each habit and how to implement the habit into our daily lives. Jan. 6, habit 1, Be Proactive, Jan 13, habit 2, Begin with the End in Mind, Jan. 21, habit 3, Put First Things First, Jan. 27, habit 4, Think Win Win.  A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who took time to complete the survey last month!  We appreciate your time and value you your input!


With the cold, snowy weather, please make sure your child(ren) have the proper clothing to stay warm outside. Also, make sure that your child’s coat, gloves, hat, etc. are clearly labeled with his or her name.  It is much easier to return items to their rightful owners if they are labeled! 

Our DIBELS testing will be Jan. 8 and 9.  Please mark these dates and make every effort to see that your child is in school on these dates!  

January 10, we will have our second Kenn Garff Road to Success Assembly.  This year the student that wins the Ken Garff Certificate can purchase either a bike, scooter or MP3 player. We will draw a winner for the Ken Garff certificate and other prizes! The top two classes that have read the most days will get to watch their teacher in a pie eating contest at the assembly!  Please take time and read to or with your child each night!  The 20 minutes you spend reading each night has a significant impact on your child’s academic success.

SEP conferences will be held on Feb. 5 and 6.  A scheduled time will be sent home with each student. I encourage you to make every effort to come to your child’s conference. On Feb. 7 there will be NO school for Kindergarten.

Book Fair

We will have another book fair during our SEP conferences in Feb. You can also access the books that will be sold at the book fair on line. Please click on the link below.  The link will be available from Jan. 21-Feb. 14. 

Art Show

Discovery Elementary will be hosting an Art Fair on Jan. 27 from 6-8 at Discovery.  Each child will have the opportunity to have something on display at the Art Fair.  These projects will be under the direction of the classroom teachers.  One winner from each class will go on to participate in the district Art Fair on Feb. 10.    

Awards Assembly

Each month we have an awards assembly to recognize student accomplishments. Dec. 19, was the kindergarten and first grade assembly. Several students were recognized for their academic success and their citizenship. This month will be the second and third grade Awards Assembly on Jan. 30, 2014.  If your son or daughter is getting an award that day, the teacher will contact you so you can make arrangements to attend the Awards Assembly.

Leaders of the Month

Congratulations to these students for being recognized as outstanding leaders and for being a positive example for others. 

Elizabeth Rupper ,  Tiane Noorda,  Ella Miles ,  Brinlee Worthy, Emery Montgomery ,  Jayse Pruett, Sara Sparks ,  Trevor Abel, Kamryn Lemke ,  Warren Hold, Camden Hartman ,  Tyller Uken, Camren Davis ,  Ava Bodily, Brooklyn Bennett ,  Miles Ferry, Kamryn Jorgensen ,  Quinn Rupper, Ashleigh Berkley ,  Jackson Kuchinski, Gracie Zerkle ,  Ethan Earley,  Tayson Bodily ,  Aleh Herrera , Tailee Christensen ,  Coen Stanford, Camry Smith ,  Justin Chirstensen, Brandon Bignell ,  Tegan Mecham, Dakota Bjornn ,  Anna Rupper, Carson Johnson ,  Ailey Cummings, Owen Meredith ,  Heather Martin and Tate Hadfield.

Dates to Remember:

Jan. 3                Dolphin Pride Day

Jan. 8                DIBELS Testing

                        Early Out

Jan 9                 DIBELS Testing

Jan. 10               Dolphin Pride Day

                        Ken Garff Assembly

Jan. 15               Early Out

Jan. 17               Dolphin Pride Day

Jan 20               No School/ Martin Luther Kind, Jr. Day

Jan. 22              Early Out

Jan 24               3rd Grade Grand Parent Lunch at 11:00

                        Dolphin Pride Day

Jan 27               Community Council Meeting at 3:15

                        Art Fair 6:00-8:00 PM

Jan. 29              Early Out

Jan 30               2/3 Awards Assembly

Jan. 31               Dolphin Activity

Feb. 5 & 6          SEP Conferences


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