May 2014

Discovery Newsletter

May, 2014

      I can’t believe it is May and the school year is winding down.  We have loved having grandparents and other special guests attend our school for lunch!  It has been fun to see all of you! Our Kindergarten grandparent lunch will be on May 22, 2014 at 10:45.
     Clay Chournos has accepted the position as the principal of Discovery Elementary starting July 1, 2014. Clay earned a BS in Biological Science in 2000 from Utah State University. He earned a M>ED, and his administrative endorsement from Southern Utah University in 2009. Clay began his teaching career at Harris Intermediate School in 2000 switching to Bear River High School in 2001.  Clay served as an assistant principal at both Harris Intermediate and Bear River Middle School for three years. Clay is currently serving as the assistant principal at Harris Intermediate School.  He is excited to come to Discovery and working with all of you. 
     I will miss being at Discovery, it is a wonderful school, with dedicated teachers and staff, and an amazing community!  Thanks to each of you for your support over the past four years.
        Please stop by the Lost and Found next time you are in the building. There are several items that need to be found! These items will be donated to charity if they are not picked up. 
    During our 2nd and 3rd grade awards assembly we learned some fun facts about Mrs. Stangler and Mrs. Burt. Thanks to each of these teachers for all they do for the students at Discovery.
    Monday, April 28, 2014, SAGE testing started; this test is our state end of level state tests for all third through fifth grade students.  The students are tested in language arts and math.  Fourth and fifth grade are also tested in science.   All of the testing will be done on line.  To help your child be prepared to take their tests, please see that they get plenty of rest and eat a good breakfast.  Please make every effort to see that your child is to school on time. 
     Our last Ken Garff Road to Success Assembly will be held on May 22, 2014.  We will draw for our last voucher and two savings bonds!  Keep Reading!  The school has been working on a reading incentive for the past six weeks and it will continue through May 16. Discovery is having a candy drop on May 29, 2014.  There will be a pilot who flies over the playground and drops parachutes of candy to these students.  The students will be learning more about the real Candy Bomber, Gail Halverson in class. If you want to learn more information about Gail Halverson, please visit   Everyone keep reading!    

     Please make sure if your child owes lunch money that their account is taken care of before the end of the year.  All library books need to be returned by May 9, 2014.

      On May 21, we will be having a Book Fair for all of the students at Discovery.  A note will be coming home with information about this, so be looking for it. 

      With the warm weather coming, please remember that students are not to wear tank tops, spaghetti straps, short shorts, or any other clothing item which can cause embarrassment or disruption.

     This year has been fantastic and the students have done well in their academics.  Have a wonderful month and a very fun and safe summer! 

May Leaders
Congratulations for being great leaders at Discovery!

Isaac Funk, Kathryn Weaver, Cooper Burt, Kenlee McElheny, Ghavin Woolfolk, Emery Packer, Ryleigh Sega, Jude Simmons, Jett Henrie, Nayelie Robledo, Allie Eddings, Ethan Barber, Corwin Bodily, Emma Rodeffer, Davin Aston, Zoey Whalen, Reese Muhlestein, Reed Henrie, Rachel Nielson, Ryan Lusk,  Brookly n Hartman, Tyke Mecham, Karlee Stark, Carter Poor, Jeremy Nelson, Katie Tatro, Isaiah Long, Aspen Swapp, LaurAnne Luthi, Destiny Dustin, Heather Martin, Courtney Williams, Dylan Millaway, John Keyes, Siella Silva,  Maria Saunders, and Brittney Nelson

Dates to Remember:

May 7               Early Out at 1:50
May 9               1st grade field trip to the park
                        Dolphin Pride Day
May 14             Early Out at 1:50
May 16             Dolphin Pride Day
May 19             4th and 5th grade field trips
May 21             Reading Fair
May 22             5th grade ACYI Tour
                        Kindergarten’s last day
                        Kindergarten field day
                        Kindergarten Grandparent’s lunch at 10:45
May 23             School Pentathlon
                        4th and 5th Awards Assembly at 1:45
                        2nd Grade Field Trip
May 26             No School
May 27             5th Grade Wax Museum
May 29             Awards Assembly at 9:00
                        Year Books handed out
                        Candy Drop at 1:00
May 30             LAST DAY of school!
Meet new teachers
                        Field Day
                        School out at 12:00


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