March Newsletter 2014

lucky_b.wmfDiscovery Newsletter
March 5, 2014
I can’t believe it is March already!  The school year seems to be flying by!  The students are really growing academically and it is wonderful to see their progress.

            We have coats, sweatshirts, lunchboxes, hats and gloves in our lost and found, so please stop by and see if any of these articles belong to your family. The items in the lost and found will be given to good will on March 31!

            Our Beat the Teach contest just finished, thanks to students and teachers who participated in the challenge!  Keep reading!

            Our Ken Garff Road to Success assembly is coming up on March 11.  We have lots of students who are working hard to meet their reading goal of al least four nights every week!  Keep up the great work!

            Two teachers were recognized at our Awards Assembly last month. Mrs. Wilding, and Mrs. A. Nelson. It was fun to learn things about these teachers!  We appreciate all they do to help students learn and grow. 

            March 28 is the last day to order a year book. They are $15.00, please make checks out to Discovery Elementary.

            The faculty and students at Discovery are hosting a FAMILY LEADERSHIP NIGHT on March 13, 2014 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. here at Discovery. The purpose of this event is to share with parents what the Leader in Me is all about, what the habits are, and how they are impacting students, staff, and school. We hope you will join us.

            Discovery has been selected to participate in a survey as part of the Stake Holder/Evaluation System.  We value your input, so please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Here is the link:   If you do not have a computer or internet access at home, we invite you to come and use the computer here at Discovery.

            The students in the Read Today program are in the top schools for students making great progress in their oral reading skills.  As a result, every family is being given Brandon Mull’s new book. He is the author of the FABLEHAVEN  series. You can visit his website at  These books will be arriving soon and will be sent home with the oldest child in the family!  Congratulations to all of the students for their awesome reading.  A big THANK YOU to our amazing volunteers and a big shout out to Denyehl Jones, the Read Today coordinator, for all she does to make this program successful! 

            Thanks to everyone for collecting Box Tops for our school!  We collected 18,000 Box Tops.  Yea!  Mrs. Peggy Hansen’s class was the class that brought in the most, they collected over 1600 Box Tops!   Thanks for your support!

            Discovery is a great school!  Every day wonderful things happen here!

Leaders of the month:

Carson Dixon, Sawyer Melehes, Addison Smith, London Prestar, Jayden Dicks, Cecily Smith, Samantha Bailey, Adrian Ponce, Landon Anderson, Mylie Sager, Azi Monson, Brianna Simson, Ryan Reber, Aly Myers, Aidan Gomm, Ashley Peterson, Margaret Fisher, Kaleb Robbins, Arianna Calles, Aiden McMullin, Charity Randall, John Keyes, Isaiah Carr, Malani Taylor, Kelsey Smith, Kylie Perry, Isaac Hardy, Megan Rountree, Alonna Jones, Jaxon Barlow, Elena Olson, Madison Julander, Jessica Brockbank, Aidan Glover, Katie McPherson, Brandyn Gaytan and Haylee Jensen

Congratulations to these students! 


Date to Remember:

March 7                        Dolphin Pride Day

March 10          4th and 5th visit the Capitol

March 11          Kindergarten Meet and Greet from 6:00-7:00

                        Road to Success Assembly

March 12          Early Out

March 13          Family Leadership Night from 6:00-8:00

                        School Spelling Bee at 9:00

March 14          Dolphin Pride Day

                        Kindergarten Roundup

March 17-21     Girl’s Week

March 19          Early Out

March 20          Maturation

March 21          Dolphin Pride Day

March 24-28     Boy’s Week

March 26          Early Out

March 28          Dolphin Pride Day


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