Parents of Discovery Students,                                                                                                         Oct. 1, 2014
We want to try something different this school year.  We will allow students to wear costumes to school on Halloween day (October 31st).  However, it is critical that all rules be followed by all students in order to minimize the disruption to the school environment.  If parents and students will follow the guidelines below, we will have a fun and productive day.  If parents and students do not follow the rules and guidelines, we will be forced to eliminate dressing up for Halloween in the future.  So let us begin with the end in mind, a positive experience for all. 
As we do this we still must put first things first, our primary objective is student learning.  Students do not have to participate and the wearing of costumes at school is purely optional.  It will be just like crazy sock day or crazy hair day, no pressure will be put on students to wear costumes, but if they want to, they will be allowed.
Proactive rules for costumes at school
Costumes must be worn to school. You will not be permitted to change at school.  We do not want parents helping students with costume adjustments after school starts.  This will reduce distractions to classroom learning.
·         You must be able to wear your costume inside, outside, to PE and music and be able to sit and move as usual.  Bulky or uncomfortable costumes that would not allow students to sit at their desk or participate normally in the day’s activities should not be worn.
·         Nothing should drag on the floor
·         No masks 
·         No make-up or face painting 
·         Costumes must not be too scary or inappropriate for the school environment. No blood, gore, etc…
·         No props are allowed. (swords, weapons, wands, etc...)
·         No bare midriffs or “revealing” or provocative clothing
·         Appropriate shoes must be worn
·         Costumes may not be offensive or inappropriate in any way

Students violating these rules will have to call parents to make the needed adjustments.  Again, if we want this to become a yearly event, everyone must be proactive in following the rules.
We hope this will be a fun opportunity to sharpen the saw that will be something to look forward to and something to remember.  We also appreciate your support as we endeavor to ensure that all students learn at high levels.  Please help us make this a win-win.  I know that the leaders in our school can make this a great activity.

Jeff Morris

Principal, Discovery Elementary


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