October Newsletter:

As I look at our calendar for October it appears that every week has a different safety theme. As we get into Halloween we want to make sure that students are safe whether they are at school or not. To help us communicate with you please sign up for the remind101 messages by texting @b15ba to 435-363-3195.

As usual Reading is a big focus this year. What research has found in looking at reading is that students who read 40 minutes independently score in the 90th percentile nationally on reading assessments. Reading is the most critical skill we can give students. Parents often ask what they can do to help their children that struggle, the answer I give is always something to the effect of listen to them read aloud to someone. I encourage them to ask them questions, have them predict, analyze and anticipate. These skills are so important. A little time reading to a fluid reader makes a huge difference. We have not set up the Road to Success program yet, but we will have that up and running in the near future. I am trying to get added to their system.


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