Here is our newsletter for the month of December!

Newsletter December

December is such a fun month.  The snow is new, so we still like it, people are looking for the best all around them.  You can really feel the excitement in the air some days.  The weather has been really nice for us this year and we have been able to have a lot of outside days, please make sure that all students have coats everyday now that things have gotten much colder.   
As a school, teachers and I have been looking at what really makes a difference in student learning.  We have also been focusing on our school mission statement and identifying what it means for everybody to Learn, Lead and Love. 
Our final fundraiser for the year will be kicking off on Friday the 5th of December.  We will be selling “World’s finest” candy bars, they said they would throw in extra caramel for me.  Candy bars will go out for sale on Monday and there will be class wide incentives for the class that sells the most.  Look for more information to come out about this on Wednesday.  The candy bar fundraiser will be paying for many of our field trips this year. 
I hope that all of you enjoy the two weeks off at the end of December.  Students, look for something nice you can do for others this holiday season.  Shovel a neighbor’s walk, invite someone new over to play, do the dishes for your mom.  There will be plenty of time to Sharpen the Saw, but look to find ways to help others this year. 
I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!


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