Shout Outs!

Here are some of the WONDERFUL things said about school employees:

"Only one week of school has gone by, but my daughter has gone on and on over how much she enjoys her teacher, Mrs. Rupper! Seeing as this is her first year teaching, this makes me especially happy. I also really loved the "parent homework" she had for us at back to school night..makes me feel that she really cares about each student's individual needs and personalities. Thank you, Mrs.Rupper! You're doing great!"

"(Mrs. Robinette) Went the extra mile by giving her time to learn about her incoming students and helping her students and parents adjust to first grade." 

"Mrs. Gunnell made this first week of school a good experience for my nervous little one. She had a welcoming, fun personality that made my daughter feel excited about school. Words can never express the gratitude I have for amazing teachers who look for the best in my children and help them be the best version of themselves! Thank you so very much!"

"(Mr. Hirschi and Mr. Escobar)They do more to help get ready than anyone realizes; in additional to being friendly to students."

"She (Mrs. Conger) is putting 200% effort and heart into her kindergarten classroom! She is excited and happy to meet her classes come Tuesday morning and...I am the lucky teacher who gets to work with her!! Thanks for your smarts, organization and happy attitude towards teaching. I can tell it's going to be a great year!" 

"Thank you (Mrs. Wilding) for making the first week of school great! She sets clear rules and expectations. She keeps order while creating a happy learning environment for students to do their best!" 

"He (Mr. Langford) is loved by all students, especially my daughter. She loves when she gets to go to music. She sings his songs at home, in the car, while playing, and while cleaning. She thinks is the greatest, and I would have to agree."


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