Parent Teacher Conferences
Sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences Directions to schedule Parent Teacher Conferences: It is time to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences that will be held October 11 &12. Sign up online between September 28 to Oct 8 for an appointment. If you have any troubles with registering for conferences please call the school, or stop by. 1. Visit the school’s homepage and select the Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler icon/link on the right, or go to the link . 2. From the Online Scheduler Home Page a. Choose your student’s school from the drop down list and click “GO” b. Enter the school password dolphins c. Enter your student’s “Student ID”. If you do not know their Student ID, use the LOOKUP STUDENT ID button to access the system. d. Verify the student’s birth date e. A list of your student’s teachers will be displayed. Check the box next to the name of each teacher(s) you would like to meet with. f....