
Showing posts from August, 2017

Ready for School?

Discovery Community: I am very excited for this upcoming school year.  We are all ready to go after our recent Open House.  The teachers had a lot of fun, and we hope that the nervous students come ready for the school year.  I hope that you all are ready as well.  The start of the year is always a very exciting time for parents.  I wanted to take a moment and give a HUGE thank you to our secretary Sandy Sharp.  Sandy is always happy and helpful to parents, students and teachers.  She looks for the best in every situation, and is a major inspiration to those of us that work closely with her.  Due to some personal issues she has had to take a few days off this summer, but has approached every issue with a positive happy outlook.  If some of your phone calls this summer have gone unanswered, we apologize, please be understanding as we start this school year.   We would love some feedback about times for our Open House.   https...
Here is our Back to School Newsletter : Sign up for Free and Reduced Lunch by clicking here Then click on Apply for Meal Benefits. Parents and Students, I am so excited to see everyone again as the new school year starts.  The beginning of the school year is a wonderful time for us to Begin with the End in Mind.  Every year I see students start out strong and work hard all year to achieve their goals.  That is so neat to see.  We hope to help all of you reach your goals whether they are academic, social, or personal.  Discovery Elementary will be using the “Road to Success” website for the 2017-2018 school year to help track reading minutes again.  Last year they changed the website and it was not useable for our teachers.  We believe that they have fixed all of the bugs and it should work well.  Information will be sent home the first week of school for each child to log in. We will also continue our reading minut...