Here is our November Newsletter

School Land Trust Report      
School Land Trust End of year report 2016-2017 Report:
Attached is our School Trust Land report for the previous year and our Mid year report for this year.  The School Land Trust is money allocated to our school by the state.  This money is used under the direction of our school Community Council.  This is a group of parents and teachers that meet together with the principal to give input on school goals and decide how the money is spent each year.  ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!  This money is called School land trust money and is given to us by the state.  
Last year we were allocated $36,784 by the state.  We spent money on the following items:
$ 32,300 was spent on our paras for reading and math.  
$ 50 for mice for the Chromebook lab to facilitate use of Chromebooks in class.  
$ 700 for Moby Max as a math and literacy extension for the school.   We used our School Land Trust money to expand our reading and math interventions to grades that have not had this available to them in previous years.  We have hired additional paras to extend our reading interventions to 4th and 5th grades.  We also have extended our math para hours so that she can provide math interventions to 3rd grade students.  All of these intervention groups are now up and running for the school year.  We have also spent $700 for Moby Max, a computer based program that helps tutor students and prepare for computer based testing. 
To achieve our goals this year, we have been allocated  $52,117 and are using our money for the 2017-2018 in a more targeted manner.   
This year we have decided to spend our SLT money to increase the hours that our reading paras work, continue with an AmeriCorps para, continue using Moby Max and to add a new Chrome book lab to our school.  As of October 1st we have our reading and math paras working.  We also have ordered our chrome book lab, but are waiting for some of it to still arrive.  Moby Max is being used in many grades already allowing us to facilitate and track student learning. 


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