
Showing posts from August, 2014
September Newsletter For the full Newsletter please click here (trust me it looks much prettier): September Newsletter I have had a blast getting to know the students this first week of school. There are so many great things going on in our school and it all starts with them. When students ask what a principal does I tell them that I have two jobs. 1. To make sure that all the students are safe and 2. to make sure that everyone is learning. In order to do those things I have to be among the students. Right now we are working a lot with students to make sure that they know what proactive behavior looks like. We are working to help them know the expectations (beginning with the end in mind) and live up to them. I am slowly learning names of students, I know it will take a while, but I am glad to get to know the students here at Discovery Elementary and to help them to live up to their potential because I have seen that it is great. Important Dates: Every Wednesday is early out day...
8/7/14 Discovery Community, Summer is almost over, which means that there will be a lot of change.  I know that a lot of you are wondering about me as the new Principal of Discovery.  I hope to join the PTA facebook group soon and allow you to see some pictures of me and my family, but for now I can just give you some basic information on the website.  I am from Northern California, but have lived in Utah for most of the last 19 years.  I have been married for almost 13 years and have 4 children.  They range in ages from 4-11.  I have been a principal for the last 3 years, an assistant principal for two years before that, and taught for seven years. For the last five years I have lived in Vernal, Utah.  My wife and I decided to move closer to family and are now living in Logan.  My wife has two sisters in Box Elder County.  I speak Spanish and Papiamento in addition to English.  Although I taught high school I absolutely love worki...