May 2014
Discovery Newsletter May, 2014 I can’t believe it is May and the school year is winding down. We have loved having grandparents and other special guests attend our school for lunch! It has been fun to see all of you! Our Kindergarten grandparent lunch will be on May 22, 2014 at 10:45. Clay Chournos has accepted the position as the principal of Discovery Elementary starting July 1, 2014. Clay earned a BS in Biological Science in 2000 from Utah State University. He earned a M>ED, and his administrative endorsement from Southern Utah University in 2009. Clay began his teaching career at Harris Intermediate School in 2000 switching to Bear River High School in 2001. Clay served as an assistant principal at both Harris Intermediate and Bear River Middle School for three years. Clay is currently serving as the assistant principal at Harris Intermediate School. He is excited to come to Discov...