December News

bell_b.wmfDecember Discovery News
December 2013

Happy December!  I can’t believe that we have started the second trimester!  The year is going so quickly.

Thanks to everyone who supported our fundraiser!   We appreciate your continued support at Discovery!   

I will be having surgery and will be out of the office until Jan. 2, 2014.  Alison Williams will be the acting principal in my absence. Mrs. Williams has been doing her administrative internship with me this fall and is acquainted with students and staff at Discovery.  I will miss being at Discovery and look forward to seeing you all on Jan. 2, 2014.

The Leader in Me:

We are all working on learning the 7 Habits and incorporating them into our lives.  Each week we focus on a different habit, so that we can better understand each habit and how to implement the habit into our daily lives.  Dec. 2-6 Habit 5, Seek First to Understand and then to be Understood  Dec. 9-13 Habit 6, Synergize and Dec. 16-20 is Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw. We have information on the Leader in Me on our website. Last week a note was sent home in regards to a short survey about our school climate and your child’s experience here at Discovery.  Please take time to take this survey, we value your input!  Thank you for your time and support!


For our service project we will be collecting clothes, food and money to give to needy families in Brigham City for Christmas. This is a community-oriented service project designed to help families in need during the holiday season!  We are excited to see what we can give to our community. There will be a container in the office and in individual classrooms for students to bring in items to donate. We will collecting items from Dec. 3 through Dec. 13.  Thank you for your support!

We will soon be having cold, snowy weather, so please make sure your child(ren) have the proper clothing to stay warm outside. We have several coats, hats, sweat shirts, etc. in our lost and found.  These items will be donated to Good Will after Dec. 22, so please stop by sometime and see if any items belong to your child.

Each month we have an awards assembly to recognize student accomplishments. Nov. 25, was the fourth and fifth grade assembly. Several students were recognized for their academic success and their citizenship. This month will be the kindergarten and first grade assembly on Dec. 19th.  If your son or daughter is getting an award that day, the teacher will contact you so you can make arrangements to attend the Awards Assembly.

I love working at Discovery and enjoy interacting with all of the teachers, staff, PTA, and parents.  This is a wonderful place to be. Thanks for your continued support and efforts.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

Principal, Keri Greener

Leader in Me

Congratulations to these students for being recognized as outstanding leaders and for being a positive example for others. 

Crue McBride, Keily Myers, Jettsen Jones, Savannah Jones, Gracie Thomas, Thomas Pelland, Taylee Nelson, Kaleb Adams, Ethan Barker, Maddyson Lingman, Ashton Bischoff, Dalton Bischoff, Jordan Buist, Esmeralda Cortes, Nathan Pugsley, Erika Jones, Owen Ryan, Cheyenne Franklin, Kale Bingham and Sofi Burggraf, Millie Smith, Kayden Morrison, Tuyler Coburn, Lillia Morgan, Corona Quientero, Cody Madsen, Allyson Hunsaker, J.J. Allen,  Keelie Pebley, Kaleb Sargent, Halle Jensen, Cooper Hartman, Braidyn Green, Kirsten Lucca,  Katelin Monson, Calvin Crane and Dylan Millaway.

 Dates to Remember:

Dec. 4             Early Out

Dec. 6             Dolphin Pride Day

Dec. 11           Early Out

Dec. 13          4th Grade Grand Parent Lunch at 11:00-12:15

Dec. 18           Early Out

Dec. 19           K/1 Awards Assembly

Dec. 20         Dolphin Activity

                        School out at 2:50

Jan. 2            School Resumes     


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