As they become available we will post the supply lists here. “NOTICE: THE ITEMS ON THIS LIST WILL BE USED DURING THE REGULAR SCHOOL DAY. THEY MAY BE BROUGHT FROM HOME ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS, OTHERWISE, THEY WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE SCHOOL.” Kindergarten Pkg 16 or 24 crayons Pencils Glue sticks Clorox wipes Lg box Kleenex tissue Fine tip expo dry erase markers Hand sanitizer First Grade Pencils Fine Tip dry erase markers Glue sticks Large erasers/pencil top erasers Disinfectant wipes Hand sanitizer Tissues Second Grade If you can donate any of the following items to our class, it will be appreciated. These items will be for classroom use rather than personal use. Please do not put your child's name on them. Disinfecting wipes Tissues Hand sanitizer Black Expo fine tip markers Glue sticks 24 count crayon Pencil Box (personal use) 2 pocket folders (simple, solid colors) 1 3-prong folder (simple, solid color) Pleas...