
Showing posts from January, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians, Beginning Monday, February 1 st , 2016, Box Elder School District will be administering school climate surveys.  The purpose is to gather stakeholder input about teachers, principals, and schools.  All parents/ guardians are invited to participate by filling out an online survey.  Responses are anonymous and no personal information is collected.  Results will be given to teachers and administrators and used to improve classrooms and schools.  The surveys are short, taking about 10 minutes to complete.  There is a link to the survey on the school website.  If you do not have a computer, please come and take the survey at the school where we have a computer set up for you, or you can take it on any public computer such as those available at a public library. The survey is available in English and Spanish. You can access the survey by clicking here: Parent Survey All 3rd-5th grade students will take the survey in C...
Kindergarten Registration is Coming! If you have a child that will be starting kindergarten next school year please fill out this form .  At our Kindergarten registration at the school we are going to have some great activities.  It is February 24th and we will have Miss. Bindergarten here along with Ashley Wolff the creator of the Miss Bindergarten stories.  There will also be prizes and gifts for the students.  This year the Treehouse Museum is teaming with our school to help us make this the best Kindergarten registration we have ever had!
Here is the January Newsletter Welcome back from break.  It is difficult to come back from such a relaxing and fun time of the year, but I am excited to be back at school today.  There are a few things that we have to look forward to in the new year.  Our DIBELS testing will be on Feb 2-3 and we are excited to see how our student’s have improved in their reading.  We also have a Sonic night coming up.  Sonic will be donating 20% of their profits on 1/26 to our school.  Look for more info.  Before our vacation we had a couple of donation drives that our school was a part of.  Our school district collected over 1,400 stuffed animals for EMS to give to comfort children dealing with emergencies.  Our school collected around 100 of these.  We also had the toy drive where our school collected and donated 170 toys to the Family Support Center.  Thank you for your generosity and caring as we looked to share with others in the communi...