Here is our newsletter for December I hope that everyone has had a great Thanksgiving. We have several things coming up in December to make sure that everyone is aware of, but first I wanted to remind everyone that it is getting colder. Please make sure that your children come with coats, gloves and winter hats to help keep them warm. Also please do what you can to label them, we have a lot that end up in our lost and found every day. On December 7th we have the District Art fair at 6:30-7:30 it will be held at 3 Mile Creek Elementary 2625 S 1050 W Perry. Our students have done artwork that will be posted at their school for parents to come and see. It is also a great opportunity to see other school’s great art. Our Christmas music program will be on Wednesday the 9th at 5:00 for grades 1-2 and 6:00 for grades 3-5. Students need to be at the school 15 minutes before the program. Parents: We would love to have help with seating and such, please let Sandy or Mrs. Sweat know if you wo...
Showing posts from November, 2015